13 July 2024 (Sat.) - 8 September 2024 (Sun.)
【Special Summer Exhibition】 Have Fun with the Ancient Orient World! & The World of the Bible – Transmission and Archaeology
①Have Fun with the Ancient Orient World!: The second edition of the 'Enjoy the World of the Ancient Orient!’ is now open!
Explore the world of the Ancient Orient not only by 'looking' but also by 'touching' and 'using'!
② The World of the Bible – Transmission and Archaeology:
Get a glimpse of the "Biblical world" through archaeological materials, documents, and books.
21September 2024 (Sat.) - 24 November 2024 (Sun.)
【Special Autumn Exhibition】 Eternal Persia - Art, Beauty and Tradition
This exhibition highlighted the traditions of the Ancient Persia and renovations of their craftsmanship, showcasing a diverse array of artefacts such as pottery, glass, metal objects, and textiles.
Concurrent Exhibition: An Introduction to Persian Calligraphy
Persian calligraphy works by calligrapher Hisako TSUNODA and her students of Public Lectures held by the Ancient Orient Museum.
2 December 2023 (Sat.) - 31 January 2023 (Wed.)
【Close-up Exhibition】 Iraqi Kurdistan: Between Protection of Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Research
In this close-up exhibition, the results of the excavations at Yasin Tepe in Iraqi-Kurdistan, are introduced, as well as the ongoing cultural heritage protection activities such as support for the Suleymaniyah Antiquities and Cultural Heritage Department and the Suleymaniyah Museum.
23 September 2023 (Sat.) - 19 November 2023 (Sun.)
【Special Autumn Exhibition】 Amulets, Stamps and Coins -Great small artefcts from the ancient Orient-
This exhibition introduced small artefacts from the ancient Orient which have conveyed enormous amounts of information about the society of the time - politics, religion, economy and people's daily lives.
15 July 2023 (Sat.) - 10 September 2023 (Sun.)
【Special Summer Exhibition】 Animals and Plants in West Asia
In this exhibition, we have gathered a collection of artifacts representing animals and plants from prehistory to the Middle Ages in West Asia. Through the exhibition, we will introduce the history and culture concerning animals, plants, and humans.
6 February 2023 (Sat.) - 26 March 2023 (Sun.)
【Close-Up Exhibiton】 Excavations at Tel Rekhesh, Israel
This exhibition focus on the large buildings of the Late Iron Age, and the discovery of the earliest synagogue, which is dated to the early Roman period found by Japanese mission at Tel Rekhesh, Israel. These structures are important in the study of the religious history of Judaism and early Christianity.
10 December 2022 (Sat.) - 30 January 2023 (Mon.)
【Close-Up Exhibiton】 Egyptian Mummies from Akoris
This exhibition introduces the results of the excavations by the Japanese team at Akoris and the latest findings obtained by CT image analysis of the mummies.
23 September 2022 (Fri.) - 27 November 2022 (Sun.)
【Special Autumn Exhibition】 Hindu Gods and Goddesses Across Time
This exhibition aims to introduce the Hindu gods, which have been the foundation of Indian culture and have been faithfully worshiped, and their fertile world through the valuable works and materials.
12 July 2022 (Sat.) - 11 September 2022 (Sun.)
【Special Summer Exhibition】 To the Age of Explolarion: The World Marco Polo pioneered
(in Japanese Language)
5 February 2022 (Sat.) - 28 February 2022 (Mon.)
【Close-Up Exhibition】 Hope from Ruins - The revived Palmyrene Sculptures
In this exhibition, videos and panels, introduce the contents and progress of the restoration of the Palmyrene funeral sculptures, as well as Japan’s contribution to other training programs for cultural heritage personnel.
18 December 2021 (Sat.) - 31 January 2022 (Mon.)
【Close-Up Exhibition】 Visiting Minorities in Northern Iraq
In the modern Middle East, Assyrians Christians, Kurds, Yazidis, and other groups maintain their unique cultures, customs, and beliefs. This exhibition introduces the traditional culture of these minorities, which reflects the diversity of the Middle Eastern world, through photographs by Kosuke Tamura, who captured their daily lives and hand-crafted costumes.
02 October 2021 (Sat.) - 05 December 2021 (Sun.)
【Special Autumn Exhibition】 The Goddesses -Over Time and Space-
This autumn special exhibition focuses on such goddesses who construct the genealogical line over time and space based on the latest academic results from archaeology and written materials. It would be great pleasure if you could explore the form of existence and significance of these goddesses from this exhibition.
17 July 2021 (Sat.) - 23 September 2021 (Tue.)
【Special Summer Exhibition】 Have Fun with the Ancient Orient World! & Gold, Silver, and Copper!
Enjoy two exhibitions this summer. The first exhibition presents the fascinating wonders and worlds of the Ancient Orient through our collection gallery.The second exhibition focuses on the metals of gold, silver, and copper that have attracted people from ancient to modern times.
6 February 2021 - 28 March 2021
【Close-Up Exhibition】 Recent Discoveries from Ancient Jordan: Japanese Contributions to Archaeological Research
This exhibition of panels and images presented to the public some of the new vistas and understanding of ancient Jordan based on Japanese archaeological work, and Jordanian-Japanese collaborative efforts on the cultural heritage of Petra.
12 December 2020 - 31 January 2021
【Close-Up Exhibition】 Ruins on the shores of Sea of Galilee, Israel - Hippos and Ein Gev
In this exhibition, the results of joint research by the Japanese and Israeli teams at the sites of Ein Gev and Hippos on the shores of Sea of Galilee were introduced via posters and models.
18 July 2020 - 22 September 2020
【Special Exhibition】 Have Fun with the Ancient Orient World! Museum Fest for Children and Families
This exhibition presents the fascinating wonders and worlds of the Ancient Orient through our collection gallery via easily understandable panels, especially for children and families. Full of social experience events and workshops, enjoy exploring the enigmatic histories and cultures of ancient civilisations!
22 February 2020 - 12 July 2020
【Close-Up Exhibition】 KOFUN in Bahrain – Excavations of a Tumulus Cluster at Maqaba
Since 2016, excavations of a tumulus cluster at Maqaba in Bahrain aim to investigate the influence of ancient Palmyra (present Syrian Arab Republic) on Bahrain during the Tylos period (330BC-629AD). It is believed that this project will facilitate understanding of how ancient Palmyra influenced ancient Bahrain during the Tylos period.
18 January 2020 - 16 February 2020
【Close-Up Exhibition】 60 Years of Japan-Iranian Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Collaboration
This panel exhibition commemorated the 90th anniversary of these joint efforts, informing the general public of our scientific collaboration and the important results contributing to understanding and preserving the Iranian past.
12 December 2019 - 13 January 2020
【Close-Up Exhibition】 Jerusalem, The Sacred Place for Prayers -Haruo Nakano Photo Exhibition
Jerusalem's Old City in Israel/ Palestine is a holy place for the three major religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. For Christians, it was once the center of the world. For Jews it was the place where Solomon’s temple stood, the only place dedicated to Yahweh. For Muslims it is the place where the prophet Muhammad ascended to hear the Allah’s announcement. It is the place connected to the heaven. These photographs were taken by photographer Haruo Nakano in Jerusalem,, a sacred place for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Sacred places, such as shrines around Japan, and as Ise Jingu, are the photographer's theme for many years.
5 October - 1 December 2019
【Special Exhibition】 Ancient Yamato: A Glorious Narrative of Japan and Asian Civilizations
This landmark exhibition showcased a wide range of artefacts from the Jōmon to the medieval period (Jomon and Yayoi ceramics, figurines, royal regalia from tumuli, ornaments of jade and other semi-precious stones, mirrors, bronze and iron weapons, iron armour, Buddhist art, and cultic paraphernalia), representing the achievements of ancient Yamato over a ten thousand year period. The exhibition explored, through the ages, how ancient Yamato took shape as a powerful cultural and political hub, and how interactions with Asian civilizations were involved in the history of Yamato.
13 July - 23 September 2019
【Special Exhibition】 Gilgamesh and Heroes of the Ancient Orient
The Gilgamesh Epic, which deals with ancient Mesopotamian heroes, is known as the "the oldest existing literature." It includes topics that are common with contemporary literature, such as friendship, life and death, faith and, adventures by heroes. The Gilgamesh Epic has, not only influenced past ages, but still retains its brilliance even in the present. Recently, Gilgamesh has been adopted as a game character, and is gaining in popularity among young generations.
It is said that the hero Gilgamesh reigned as king of the city of Uruk (today’s Iraq), archaeologically called "the world's oldest city", and is known as the place where the world's oldest writing (cuneiform scripts) were invented. This exhibition will show the archeological materials, arts and crafts, and models related to daily life 5000 years ago in Mespotamia. These displays introduce, the world of heroes and gods of the ancient Near East, including the hero Gilgamesh, and the influence of this hero epic on future generations.
8 June - 30 June 2019
【Close-Up Exhibition】 Syrian Cultural Heritage in Crisis
An extensive amount of cultural heritage in Syria has been damaged and lost as a result of the devastating civil war that began in 2011. The University of Tsukuba supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan, has continuously recorded the state of Syrian cultural heritage and undertaken some educational programs so as to make as many people as possible aware of the importance of Syrian cultural heritage. This exhibition introduces these activities via films, posters and 3D projection.
8 December 2018 - 4 February 2019
【Close-Up Exhibition】 Discovery of Mural Mosaics at the Church of Nativity, Bethlehem - the Angels Revived -
In this exhibition, the museum will introduce the significance of preservation and restoration work for the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem by Piacenti, and the many discoveries made during this work, using photo panels and a video show.
29 September - 2 December 2018
【Special Anniversary Exhibition】 The Silk Road Revisited: Humans Created Eurasia-
This landmark exhibition, commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Ancient Orient Museum, showcases more than 250 masterpieces from prehistoric Eurasia to the early Modern Silk Road world, ranging from Palaeolithic stone tools and horse riding bits to silk textiles, coins and brilliant porcelains. Every representation from museum/academic and private collections entreats us to reconsider our past images of the ancient Silk Road in the light of new discoveries. The main focus of this exhibition is how ancient people and their products dispersed across the enormous landmass, what cultural heritage tells us about their history, and how humans created the Eurasian world.
10 February - 25 March 2018
【Close-Up Exhibition】 Twenty-five Years of Excavations in Bulgaria
The Thracia investigation team from Tokai University has undertaken excavations for 25 years (since 1984) at the Dyadovo site. Dyadovo in southeastern Bulgaria, settled from Chalcolithic period (ca. 4400 BC) to the Middle Ages (12th century), is a 18 m high “tell” (artificial mound) site, typical in West Asia. The Tokai University team excavations focused on the Bronze Age (3rd millennium BC) layers, and worked on determining the circumstances of a prehistoric village and its inhabitants. In this exhibition, the results of the Japanese team during a quarter of a century of excavation at this Bulgarian prehistoric site are presented through excavated finds, panels, video, and a maquette.
12 January - 9 February 2018
【New Year Zodiac Series】 Year of the Dog
This one-point exhibition presents information on Japanese Zodiac animals, with a focus on the dog as the zodiac animal for 2018. The dog is familiar animal to human beings since the remote past. Since its early domestication, the dog has been cherished as a helpful beast, revered as a divine creature, or even abhorred as a dirty animal by peoples of the Ancient Orient. This exhibition will show you a handful of the objects representing the dog from our collection
16 September - 12 November 2017
【Autumn Special Exhibition】 Gods and Humans in the Ancient Orient – Welcome to the Mythological World -
This special exhibition shows the diversity of mythologies that are displayed through art works and such as statues, statuettes, paintings, seals, potteries, vessels and other forms from Greece, Rome, ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China and Japan. They also tell us the meanings and roles of myths in modern society.
29 July - 10 September 2017
【Summer Special Exhibition】 Enchanted by Oil Lamps: The Nakamura Collection and Beyond
In this special exhibition we shed light on a wide variety of oil lamps, from the ancient Near East, Greek and Roman Mediterranean worlds, to pre-modern and modern Asia, Europe, and Japan. Enjoyable participatory events ensure that everybody can feel the light of ancient wisdom!
10 June - 17 July 2017
【Close-up Gallery】 Bedouins in the Syrian Desert: Through the lens of Megumi Yoshitake
The 24 photographs taken by Megumi Yoshitake over a 17-year period depicts the life of Bedouins in the Syrian Desert.