現在のページは、ホームの中の観るの中の【Close-Up Exhibition】60 Years of Japan-Iranian Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Collaboration です。

【Close-Up Exhibition】 60 Years of Japan-Iranian Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Collaboration

18 January 2020 (Sat.) - 16 February 2019 (Sun.) 【Close-Up Exhibition】60 Years of Japan-Iranian Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Collaboration

The year of 2019 heralds the 90th anniversary of Japan-Iranian diplomacy. Along with our friendly diplomatic ties, the relationships between the two countries in the fields of archaeology and cultural heritage have a long history. Since the first archaeological missions sent to Iran by the University of Tokyo in the 1950’s, much Japan-Iranian collaborative research and work with various universities and institutes has so far been carried out.
Our cultural heritage projects include the preservation project of important monuments such as Chogha Zanbil and Bam on behalf of the UNESCO/Japanese Funds-in-Trust Project. More recently, Teikyo University and the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties initiated collaborative project on Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism Organization, Iran, to facilitate capacity building and technological aid.
This panel exhibition commemorates the 90th anniversary of these joint efforts, informing the general public of our scientific collaboration and the important results contributing to understanding and preserving the Iranian past.

Venue Close-up Gallery at the Ancient Orient Museum
Dates 18 Jan. 2020 - 16 Feb. 2020
Opening hours 10:00~17:00 (last admission 16:30)
* Closing time will be extended to 20:00 (last admission 19:30) on Friday 24 January due to night lecture days.
Admission fees Adult 600 JPY | Students 500 JPY | School children 200 JPY>
¥100 discount for groups of over 20 people, half price for visitors with disabilities and free entry for one attendant.
- Elementary and junior high school students (with school ID) are free on Saturdays and Sundays.
(Price includes entry to the Museum Collections)
※ Admission fee also includes the Collection Gallery exhibition.
Exhibits panels, video show
Cooperation Agency for Cultural Affairs, The Ancient Orient Museum, Teikyo University

Related Events: Night Lecture

Date/Time 24 January 2020 (Fri.), 19:00–20:00
Lecturer Tomohiko Okano (part-time lecturer, Aoyama Gakuin University)
Title Fascinating Persian Ceramics

Imam Square, Isfahan

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