現在のページは、ホームの中の観るの中の【Soecial Exhibition】Gilgamesh and Heroes of the Ancient Orientです。

【Special Exhibition】Gilgamesh and Heroes of the Ancient Orient

13 July - 23 SEptember 2019 【Sepcial Exhibition】Gilgamesh and Heroes of the Ancient Orient

The Gilgamesh Epic, which deals with ancient Mesopotamian heroes, is known as the "the oldest existing literature." It includes topics that are common with contemporary literature, such as friendship, life and death, faith and, adventures by heroes. The Gilgamesh Epic has, not only influenced past ages, but still retains its brilliance even in the present. Recently, Gilgamesh has been adopted as a game character, and is gaining in popularity among young generations.
It is said that the hero Gilgamesh reigned as king of the city of Uruk (today’s Iraq), archaeologically called "the world's oldest city", and is known as the place where the world's oldest writing (cuneiform scripts) were invented. This exhibition will show the archeological materials, arts and crafts, and models related to daily life 5000 years ago in Mespotamia. These displays introduce, the world of heroes and gods of the ancient Near East, including the hero Gilgamesh, and the influence of this hero epic on future generations.

Between 10 August and 25 August, crowding is expected, and entry to our museums may be restricted. Ticket sales will take place in Hall D on the 1st floor of Sunshine City Bunkakaikan.

Exhibition period 13 July - 23 September 2019
Opening hours 10:00-17:00 (Last admission 16:30)
* Closing time 20:00 (last admission 19:30) during extended opening hours, on 23 August and 20 September
Admission fees Adult 800 JPY | Students 600 JPY | Schoolchildren 300 JPY
- ¥100 discount for groups of over 20 people, half price for visitors with disabilities and free entry for one attendant.
- Admission (¥100 discount for groups of over 20 people, half price for visitors with disabilities and free entry for one attendant)
- Elementary and junior high school students (with school ID) are free on Saturdays and Sundays.
(Price includes entry to the Museum Collections)
Hosted by The Ancient Orient Museum
Special Sponsorship Sunshine City Co., Ltd.
Co-sponsorship Toshima City, Toshima City Board of Education
  • 古代オリエント博物館“友の会”のご案内 - 多くの展覧会・催しへの参加をご希望の方は特典満載の友の会がおすすめです。
  • パルミラ遺跡写真アーカイヴ
文化庁 平成31年度 文化庁 地域の博物館を中核としたクラスター形成事業

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