現在のページは、ホームの中の観るの中の【Close-up Exhibition】Excavations at Tel Rekhesh, Israelです。

Close-up Exhibition】Excavations at Tel Rekhesh, Israel

4 Februar, 2023 - 26 March, 2023 Close-up Exhibition Excavations at Tel Rekhesh, Israel

 Since 2006, a Japanese expedition has been conducting excavations at the site of Tel Rekhesh (Arabic name: Tell el Mukharkhash) in northern Israel. In 2013, a small exhibition was held at the Ancient Orient Museum to introduce these excavations to the public.
 In the current exhibition, newly obtained results revealed in the second phase of the excavations (2013-2017) are introduced via posters, models, and videos. These exhibits focus on the large buildings of the Late Iron Age (8th to 6th cent. BC), and the discovery of the earliest synagogue (Jewish assembly house), which is dated to the early Roman period (1st to 2nd cent. AD). These structures are important in the study of the religious history of Judaism and early Christianity.

Hosted by The Ancient Orient Museum, Tokyo
Opening hours 10:00 ~ 16:30 (last admission 16:00) .
Admission fee Adult 600 JPY | Students 500 JPY | Schoolchildren 200 JPY for junior and senior high school students
- ¥100 discount for groups of over 20 people, half price for visitors with disabilities half price for visitors with disabilities and free entry for one attendant.
- Elementary and junior high school students (with school ID) are free on Saturdays and Sundays.
(Price includes entry to the Museum Collections)
※ Admission fee also includes the Collection Gallery exhibition.

Photo panels, and models

文化庁 令和4年度 文化庁 地域と共働した博物館創造活動支援事業
  • 古代オリエント博物館“友の会”のご案内 - 多くの展覧会・催しへの参加をご希望の方は特典満載の友の会がおすすめです。
  • パルミラ遺跡写真アーカイヴ

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